
Overwhelmed by the assignments and exams? Look at the beautiful side of maths! (1)

  Maths is, in the view of many fellows here in Georgia Tech, as one of the most dreadful and annoying courses. I can't agree more with that! The maths assignments are really hard to solve, lots of equations need to be memorized and lots of nerve-killing provings are exhausting the last bit of our brain capacity! But don't feel desperate about maths; it is, infact, the most beautiful field of science.
  Geometry is not just about triangles and circles, it is very extensive when you look beyond 2-dimensional space. In this series of posts, I would like to introduce you to the multi-dimensional world, in which you will see incredible geometric variations, the delicate microscopic structure of a mandelbrot set and intersecting Mobius Rings that construct multi-dimensional objects.
  After watching these videos, there are several possibilities. One is that you will become a fanatic of mathematics because you are so stroken by the incredible images. Or, you will end up "dead"(lol) thinking "why is it like this?", "how do mathematicians figure out what things should be like in a dimension that even themselves cannot see?" I would recommend that do not ask why, because you don't need to know why! Just enjoy the beauty of geometry!
  The video is with chinese subtitle because in China I attended a subtitle group, which translates English learning materials so that our firends can also understand them.
  Episode 1 (The video quality is very poor because this is my first time uploading a video on YouTube, I'm working on it to get an HD video format)

2 条评论:

  1. Do you understand the video, I kinda got lost during the last four minutes of the video. By the way, I didn't see any Chinese subtitle lol

  2. Yes I understand most of the part of this video series. It surely requires some abstract imagination to grasp the narrator's flow of mind. The Chinese subtitles is quite confusing, I guess it's the problem of video transforming process in which the subtitle file is lost... well it's not a problem `cuz nobody's gonna need them anyway.
